Our Audience.
We think that our audience for the song would be 14-25 year olds, which is quite a big age range, however, we think that the genre of music would be something that would be played a lot on radio stations such as Radio 1 who target 15-29 year olds, and Capital who target 15-3 year old's, meaning that the song lends itself to quite a wide age range. We also imagined that the song was something that would be played at clubs and bars, therefore we thought the target audience of the song would be that bit higher.

We thought the audience would be predominately female, as the song is sung by female artist's, this also means that alot of themes and ideas in the song are from a females point of view as you would expect so we felt that the song and video would/should resonate more strongly with females.
I feel our audience would be made up mostly by two demographic groups: C1 and E.

I think our audience would mostly be:
- Reformers
- Explorers
- The Succeeders.
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