Thursday, 18 July 2013

Evaluation of last years work.

1. We had to film 3 times, due to missing match on actions, lighting and other continuity issues. We also had issues with the cast not being available when they thought they would be, which meant that we had to reschedule. We had to reedit a number of times due to lost footage and a burglary at school. Another issue was the music, because nothing we found worked, the syncing of the titles also took a lot of time to get right.
2. The flashbacks were really effective and really brought our piece together, despite the problems are sequence was effective as an opening to a horror film and we worked together well as a group. 
3. We should have looked at our footage when we were filming and looked at our storyboard more so it was easier when we came to edit, we also feel we could have done more with the costume, with planning more in advance. We should have allowed time for errors, and done a more thorough rough cut. 
4. I would plan more and follow it better than we did last time, as we know now what worked effectively.
5. I would also have a time schedule for all of the production and split up the group tasks more as we didn't do this last time 

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